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Category: Branding

Young girl at a night market putting her hand in the hand of a robot
Jul 20 2023

When to use AI for marketing copy

EVERYONE is talking about AI-generated marketing copy as of recent. As with a lot of trends, using AI for marketing copy is something everyone feels they should be getting in on. I get it, too–it’s a tool with a lot of potential, if you know what you’re doing! Some of those changes, however? Mmmmaybe aren’t […]

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How to Choose the Perfect Instagram User Name and Attract Your Ideal Clients
May 10 2023

How to Choose the Perfect Instagram User Name and  Attract Your Ideal Clients

Did you know? Your Instagram user name isn’t just a user name – it’s your online identity, your brand’s persona, and your chance to shine on the platform. If technology feels a little intimidating, fear not! We’re here to help you create an instagram user name that’s memorable, effective, and represents your brand in the […]

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white paper with black text reading Marketing Strategy sits on a wooden table, under a metal iron
Nov 30 2021

Ethical Marketing Practices are Coming for Your Ads–And That’s a Good Thing

Ethical marketing. Does that even exist? When you think of marketing or sales, does your mind automatically go to some sleazy used-car salesman trope?  I can’t blame you if it does. Historically, advertising hasn’t exactly been a beacon of truth.  Traveling medicine shows in the late 1800s and early 1900s advertised products with truly bizarre […]

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The word Yes inside of an eye with skulls illustrations
Nov 21 2019

Get That “Yes”: Your Customer’s Journey Starts With Content

For a lot of people, the web seems like weird tech magic—you create something out of bits and bytes, and it somehow generates sales, right? For organizations redesigning their websites, the “process” might look like this: Build new website and launch it. …???… Profit! Sounds pretty easy, right? Not so, friends. An updated design isn’t […]

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Don from Cascadia Blade Works being interviewed
Sep 11 2019

Cascadia Blade Works puts an end to dull moments with sharp tools

One of the real joys of our work is bringing an exciting venture to life, and Cascadia Blade Works has excitement going for them in spades. Connecting with them was a learning experience not only in the technicalities of blade sharpening, but also in the power of connecting with your values, and following the path […]

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Saint Bernard in a green vest giving young person a smooch
Aug 28 2019

How to Scale for Your Audience and Your Own Team

HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response is a non-profit organization that trains comfort dogs and animal handler response teams, and sends their specially-trained teams to provide emotional support in the wake of crisis events. HOPE has a long history of serving the community, and they’ve grown into a seven-region organization with volunteers nationwide. When we connected with […]

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Listen and Question
Jul 16 2019

Does Your Brand Need to Be More… Selfish?

Yeah, I’m saying it: folks aren’t selfish enough with their brands. That’s especially true when they’re creating branding for a small business. Businesses, by nature, have their eyes on the bottom line: quarterly revenue, conversions, ROI, blah blah blah… You’ve probably heard all the buzzwords, acronyms and then some. A certain amount of that is […]

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Gilbert Baker, creator of the Rainbow Pride Flag
Jun 20 2019

More Than Rainbows: The Story of the Pride Flag

When you spot a rainbow flag when you’re out and about (pun very much intended), you might safely assume you’re in the midst of LGBTQ community. However, have you stopped to consider how the rainbow became the ubiquitous symbol for pride? A self-described “geeky kid from Kansas,” Gilbert Baker made his way to San Francisco […]

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