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Category: Web Design

Sticky notes with positive affirmations, one reading "get shit done!"
Jan 19 2023

Is It Really Time to Redesign Your Website?

It’s January! We’re stepping into another year! Renewal! Huge goals! Time for big changes! Time to… redesign your website?! That kind of energy is huge this time of year, in life and in business. We want to make the most of it, so it’s tempting to do ALL THE THINGS… and yet, you probably don’t […]

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Dec 08 2021

How to Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics has the potential to be a very helpful tool for you as you evolve your website. You can take a closer look at how many people are visiting, how they’re getting there, even whether or not they convert! …but before you can take advantage of that, you’ll need to actually set up Google […]

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a hand drawing a map of a website navigation structure
Sep 15 2021

Don’t Make Your Website Users Think

Good web design is a must-have if you want your small business to look professional. However, looks aren’t the only thing your website needs to focus on. Good design should also keep website usability in mind. If your visitors have to think too hard about how to find what they want, you’ll easily lose their […]

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Jan 21 2021

Doing The Work as an Anti-Racist Small Business

Last summer might feel like it happened 100 years ago, but it was a period in history that we won’t soon forget. Systemic racism came to the forefront of so many issues we faced in 2020, and folks all over the U.S. felt moved to do something about it. A lot of people and businesses […]

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