Hey guys! Thanks for listening during my Ignite Portland talk. I’m glad you came, and I hope you learned a few things from all of the super-cool speakers, and hopefully from me, too. 😉
As promised, here are some handy links to videos and blogs, that’ll help you get more in-depth on the skating techniques and exercises I talked about. And, you can also download a PDF of my slide presentation from the talk, if you want to take another look what I shared!
- Here’s a video overview of different stops used by roller derby skaters: T-Stop, Plow Stop, and the “Tomahawk Stop”/Turn-around Toe Stop: How to Play Roller Derby : How to Stop in Roller Derby Skates
- For a more in-depth breakdown of Plow Stops, check out this writeup from Kamikaze Kitten: Anatomy of a Plow Stop
- Or, try this writeup from Double-Easy of the Denver Roller Dolls: Beginner’s Guide to the Plow Stop.
How do derby skaters use their toe stops for stopping?
- If you’re feeling froggy about backwards skating, here’s a short video demonstration: Demo: Turn Around Toe Stop
- Or, have Kamikaze Kitten break down the Turnaround-Toe-Stop for you: Anatomy of a Fast Derby Stop.
Work your ankles and feet
- Here are some additional exercises for stretching and strengthening your feet: 4 Moves to Build Strong, Fast Feet
- And, here are some tips with more focus on ankle strength and stretching: Exercises for Strong Ankles & Feet
- This covers squat technique in the context of weight lifting–the tips on form still apply to unweighted squats!–with a great explanation of the benefits of squats: Squat Form: How to Squat with Correct Technique
- This blog does a simple breakdown of correct squat form, and also includes a video at the end: How-To: Proper Squat Technique
- And, if squats are killing you at first, here are some squat alternatives: http://exercise.about.com/library/blsquatFAQ.htm
Transverse Abs and Psoas
- There aren’t a lot of ways to specifically target your transverse abs, but this has several great plank variations: Transverse Abdominal Exercises
- As for your psoas, here are some stretches, and an overview on how a sad psoas can lead to back pain and other issues: The Psoas: Is It Killing Your Back?
- And, here’s a closer look at the psoas crunch, and psoas stretching. It’s good for cyclists, too!: Strengthening the Psoas Muscle
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