Oregon Center for Nursing
nonprofit focused on nursing research and supporting nurses in Oregon
The Oregon Center for Nursing has built an incredible collection of research, resources, and programs, but the effects of COVID on the healthcare industry led to big shifts in their offerings.
We built an updated web design for OCN that brings clear focus on their research, resources, and the online community-building they've brought to the forefront as they've adapted to the pandemic.
Oregon Center for Nursing
nonprofit focused on nursing research and supporting nurses in Oregon
Oregon Center for Nursing's website redesign was packed with unique features. We custom-built a Workforce Research archive of their reports, making it both searchable and easy to update.
We also created a clear pathway to Connect with their networks, whether through online meetups, monthly workgroups, or simple requests for help. We also included featuers they already had and wanted to keep using, by integrating support for their events calendar and CRM.
Oregon Center for Nursing
nonprofit focused on nursing research and supporting nurses in Oregon
Our approach to OCN's web design included fully reorganizing their site map, to make the most sought-after resources on their website easier to find.
We also wanted to make sure information was presented beautifully and approachably, so we incorporated a variety of harmonious templates and styles for them to make use of as they continue to grow.